
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

The Boneyard 2.9 and the ART Evolved Hadrosaur Gallery

Man.  April was intense.  I don't know what happened, but I'm sure at least a few of you noticed my complete lack of blogging for pretty much the entire month.  Things got a little quiet around here, and for that, I apologize.  But now it's May, which means three important things.

First, that I should have much more time to dedicate to this blog and various ART Evolved projects I'm working on, which sounds great to me.

Second, that there is a new edition of The Boneyard Blog Carnival waiting for you to check it out over at Life As We Know It. Thanks to Taylor Reints for a great Boneyard 2.9!  Paleo/natural history/science bloggers, I now task you with writing more phenomenal posts to submit to next months Boneyard.  The hosting schedule has been finalized for the rest of 2011, but I'm hoping that with your continued support and enthusiasm, 2012 will be a huge year for items of paleontological interest as well.  So keep supporting and submitting to boneyardblogcarnival(at)gmail(dot)com, and let's make sure it doesn't go extinct!

And third, ART Evolved: Life's Time Capsule has opened their newest time capsule, The Hadrosaur Gallery.  Lambeosaurines, hadrosaurines; you name 'em, they got 'em.  Well, maybe not all of them.  So if you feel a particular genus is underrepresented, whip up a hadrosaur or two and submit it to artevolved(at)gmail(dot)com (I  know I still have to finish my piece up, my bad guys).  In fact, you can work on a piece for any of their older time capsules as well, or the upcoming Carboniferous Time Period Gallery.  That one is going to be amazing.

More soon, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. No worries David, we'll post your Hadrosaur once we recieve it!
