
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

The Boneyard 2.8

April is here, and with it come rain showers and a new edition of The Boneyard Blog Carnival.  Head on over to Sorting Out Sciencewhere Sam Wise has written up a fossiliferous Boneyard 2.8. Extremely well done, in my humble opinion.

What can you do to help support The Boneyard?  That's an easy one.  Follow, submit to, or host an edition.  Just send an e-mail to boneyardblogcarnival(at)gmail(dot)com and let them know you want to get in on the action.  Have a great week everyone!


  1. Thanks for the link and kind words, David!

  2. Thank you Sam, for getting my late submission in. You were really on the ball this month!
