
Friday, February 25, 2011

Interweb Science of the Week #7

This week, my selection for ISW was a no brainer. The following website has been making the rounds on the Interwebs, and it's easy to see why. From T. Michael Keesey, the mind behind A Three-Pound Monkey Brain, comes PhyloPic, an open database of life form silhouettes.
My first submission, Triceratops horridus, in silhouette form.

As Mike states on his blog, this project has anazing potential. With 145 silhouettes already in the database, it's a fantastic resource and I can't wait to see (and help it) grow. Go check it out, submit images if you have them (thanks to Traumador for posting the tutorial over at ART Evolved), and most importantly, spread the word. And congratulations to Michael and PhyloPic for taking home the "Interweb Science of the Week" award for a job well done!

You knew I wasn't going to let anyone else upload a Cooperoceras texanum before I did. Huzzah, relatively unknown taxa!


  1. Thanks David! And thanks for the contributions (including our first mollusk--assuming Kimberella isn't one)!

    I consider this my answer to the people who have asked, "Whatever happened to the Dinosauricon?" (A project I started while at your University, actually.)

  2. Mike, no thanks necessary! I'm glad to help out in any way I can. I loved the Dinosauricon, and remember spending hours upon hours just looking at all the images there when I was a freshman on campus (the first time I had consistent internet access). It only seems fitting that, now that I have a (minimal) presence on the web, I do what I can to give back a little.
