
Monday, December 27, 2010

New at the Zoo: Big cats, little cubs.

Two of the seven African lion cubs, now on exhibit (weather permitting) at the National Zoological Park.

Well, technically speaking this isn't "new" as the two litters of african lion cubs were born at the National Zoo back in August and September. But what is new is that the cubs have finally been introduced to their father, Luke, and that they have been spending a little time in their outdoor yards each day, meaning that you can finally go visit them! Two weekends ago, the Friends of the National Zoo hosted an exhibit debut for FONZ members, and I was lucky enough to get a chance to meet the pride. I thought I'd take the opportunity to share some of my photos from the day.

The cubs came out and immediately began exploring the yard, their mothers Shera and Nababiep close on their heels. Some of the cubs were a little more reserved than others, but for the most part, they were all eager to get out and play their new (snowy) world. Because of the extremely low temperatures that day, they didn't stay out for the full hour, but that is easily understandable. When a lioness says it's time to go in, it's time to go in.

Weather and temperatures permitting, you can go visit the cubs at the Great Cats exhibit at the National Zoo starting at 12:30 EST daily, and meet John, Fahari, Zuri, Lelie, Baruti, Lusaka, and Aslan (yeah, they named one Aslan) for yourselves. For those of you outside of the Washington. DC area, you can still keep up with the cubs and their parents on the lioncubcam courtesy of the FONZ/National Zoo website.

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