
Monday, September 27, 2010

Jurassic Park: The Musical

This morning, I was going to publish a post on a newly discovered/published, saw toothed, South American dinosaur whose ancestors survived the end Cretaceous extinction event. But it's a rainy Monday where I am, so as awesome as new dinosaurs are, I thought I'd go for something even more exciting to try and lift up the day. Now I know as you read the title of this post, you're probably thinking to yourself, "David, you already wrote about this back in August when you did a post on Jurassic Parq: The Broadway Musical." Well, you'd be correct, but that is not what I'm talking about. Take out the word "broadway" and change the "q" back to a "k", and you've got the subject of today's post.

That's right folks, a second chock full 'o dinosaur musical has hit the scene. This time, it's a song and dance interpretation of the film Jurassic Park, with a lot of bad puns and pretty stellar dinosaur costumes thrown into the mix as well. But this time, you can watch the whole thing online! Brilliant. The show, originally performed in 2009 in a Nebraska backyard for 250 people, runs about 1 hour and 15 minutes, so if you really want to get into it, you have to dedicate some time. But it's totally worth it, I assure you.

Parts one, two, and three of the show are all on the web, as well as a "making of" video, and the Jurassic Park: The Musical blog. Hit them up, and have a great Monday!


  1. Thanks for the shout out! It was so fun to be a part of!

  2. My favorite is probably the Chaos song. Or Welcome/Good-bye Jurassic Park.

  3. Emily,
    thanks for putting on the show, and stopping by!

    I definitely a fan of the "Chaos Song" as well. You've got good taste.
