
Monday, August 30, 2010

The 50 Best Blogs for Paleontology Students

Another quickie - the fall semester started up this week, so I've had to spend a lot more time working and a lot less time blogging as of late. But I did want to congratulate many of my fellow bloggers on making the Bachelors Degree Blog's list of 50 Best Blogs for Paleontology Students. Blogs from "A" to "Z" (or in the case of paleo-blogs, Archosaur Musings to Tetrapod Zoology) are included in this list. Congratulations to all who made it in the top 50, and to everyone else out there blogging about paleontology, natural history, and science in general. I highly recommend checking out the list, and the blogs on it. You're seriously missing out if you don't.

Happy Monday everyone!


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  3. Congratulations to all the blogs that made it to the list! It’s always great to see the paleontology community getting recognized. I love how much passion and knowledge these bloggers bring to the table. It reminds me a bit of my own learning journey. For example, I rely on online history class help to get a deeper understanding of historical topics much like how these blogs dive deep into paleontology. Thanks for sharing this list; I'll definitely be checking it out.
